Saturday, January 7, 2012


We had lots of good things happen over the past few months. The best happened today: Sabrina was baptized. Sabrina turned 8 years old a little over a week ago. We had a great little family party with our best friends the Atkinsons. Sabrina chose to have microphones for her birthday cake. Wendy and Moira did a fantastic job with the dragees.

Brayden was not to be outdone so he chose to have ghosts for his 4th birthday cake three days later. Of course these birthdays happen about a week after Christmas so we have been pleasantly filled with refined sugar for some time now. :) The ghosts were especially popular since they are made with an old-fashioned doughnut hole, covered in whipped cream, with mini-M&M eyes. What's not to love? Cupcakes covered with frosting, sprinkles, doughnuts, cool-whip, & candy? Good thing we made two dozen.

Sabrina was a little nervous at first, but after the ordinance she said she felt so happy she was giddy. Thanks to all the family and friends that came to support her in her big moment. Mom and Dad were so proud we were popping our buttons in between getting all "blubbery". Moira and Brayden were very reverent and didn't have to be reminded once about appropriate behavior. It really was a powerful experience. Thanks for being such a great example to us all, Sabrina.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Where we've been . . . where we're going

Hey, we are still alive and well. Lots of stuff is happening but because this is a public blog I can't disclose it until later. I know that will bug some people, but its all good stuff and we are excited. In the meantime, school started at the end of August and the girls are doing great. Moira has become very studious and her reading is improving by leaps and bounds. Mom is spending lots of money on Scholastic book orders to keep her interest. But I think the real key is that she doesn't get hot lunch if she doesn't read 20 minutes a day for five days during the week. That has been a great motivator. Moira is in Soccer on Saturday mornings and our goal has been to be her biggest cheerleaders. Last Saturday's game was a milestone because she scored her FIRST GOAL!!!! We were so proud and she was so excited that she promptly recaptured the ball and took it down the field for an assist on another goal. WOW!

Sabrina is so far ahead of her classmates that she will rush through her assignment and start reading a book, then completely ignore her teacher when its time to move on to the next activity. Working on that one. Sabrina is taking piano lessons from a lady in the next ward, as well as Tumbling classes once a week. She really enjoys these activities.

Wonders never cease, just this past week Brayden started teaching himself to read. He picked up some of Moira's classwork and started sounding out words. Now he's addicted, his favorite book to read is the Webster's Picture Dictionary. He is just doing three letter words right now, but considering that he could barely speak in sentences a year ago that is impressive. Really proud of him, he's super smart just like the rest of them.

Dillon is growing monstrous. I just moved him into 18 month clothing. Yes, he is only seven months old. Biggest kid we've had. Because of his size he doesn't move much, other than rolling around on the floor. He loves to give everyone hugs which is wonderful. He is the only child we've had who likes to give physical affection before two years old. It just melts your heart when he wraps his arms around you and snuggles up tightly. I can just feel those endorphins releasing and my frustrations melt away. Wonderful blessing to have a child like that.

I am staying busy bus-ing everyone everywhere. I have 11 piano students and am really excited about the progress people are making. Other than that I've spent nearly every evening over the past month helping Adam with his current project. I'm weary from lack of sleep, but still manage to get through the day without nodding off, usually.

Adam is exceptionally busy. Besides that top-secret project, he attends city council meetings on Tuesday nights and does his calling on Thursday nights. He got called to be the EQ Pres for the third time in August. We figure this is our opportunity to get it right. Or something. Anyway, he's busy.

Other than that, I promise to be better at keeping our blog updated in the future.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wedding planning

I'm posting twice today so check out the earlier one about Moira, too.

This summer is very busy for us. I'm teaching 8 piano students, plus the kids are in swimming lessons, then I work out three mornings with a girlfriend, and have a playgroup one other morning a week. And I signed the girls up for a tumbling class to see how they like it. WHEW!! At this tumbling class I happened to run into an old friend from our ward who moved out to Hooper several years ago. I knew her daughter took dance at the same studio because I ran into her at last years dance recital. At that time she told me a funny story about her son Jacob who is Moira's age. They were in Sunbeams together years ago and apparently at that time Jacob was quite taken with Moira (I mean who wouldn't be, she's adorable!).

Well fast forward to last year and Jacob's grandmother was teasing him about "marrying" another little girl who was a cutie. Jacob furiously announced that he was going to marry Moira and nobody else. So when the grandma returned Jacob to his mother she asked who this Moira person was that had Jacob ready to commit at age 5. The mom, Elizabeth, was equally surprised since they hadn't seen our family for two years at that point.

Okay, now fast forward to this year when Jacob and Moira are now 6. Remember it's been three years since they've seen each other. We walk in the first day of tumbling class, which the big sister is also taking during the summer, and Jacob just goes ballistic at sight of Moira. Elizabeth and I just looked at each other and started giggling. I mean, what do you do? Then Elizabeth tells me that a few weeks previously Jacob had volunteered the information that he was going to grow up, marry Moira, become a fireman or a dentist, then move to the ocean (Oregon, I think) and have mom over for Sunday dinners. So then when he saw Moira again, well, of course he was ecstatic! They are a great family and I would be perfectly happy in say, fifteen years if things worked out. In the meantime, Elizabeth went home and told her husband Steve about the whole thing. Steve accused her of encouraging it but she swears she doesn't say anything. I'm thinking it's all Jacob because the second week of classes when given the choice to stay home and play or go sit and wait at tumbling for an hour, he elected to come and sit at tumbling with his mom. You have to admire his constancy. WOW!!!

Oh, is that why?

Do you have a child that seems just a teensy bit toooo sensitive? Well, I have one of those and there are times when I think, "She's never going to survive teenagehood with all the social pressures." And then: "Wait. . . I'm not going to survive her teenagehood!! Auggghghghhghgh!!!" Yes, I'm referring to Moira. I love on her and compliment her and give her loads of encouragement and coping skills, but I still have to deal with a melt-down at least three times a day (not including the sobbing from Brayden teasing her relentlessly). No, this is about not having the right sandwich, or no friends to play with (even though she spent all morning with the neighbor kids), or her blanket is missing, or she doesn't like the snack.

After all that explanation: Moira came up to me last week and very gravely announced, "Mom, the reason I'm so whiny is because every day I need some whining time."

really . . . . ?? What mother knew that one? Is that akin to snack-time or nap-time? What parenting book is that one in?? I'd like to burn it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The things you say when heavily medicated . . .

Baby Dillon is two weeks old today. A major milestone for all new moms because it is the official end of all the impossible restrictions that the nursing staff from the hospital give you. Honestly, who can possibly keep from driving a car, climbing stairs, or picking up only ten pounds or less for two weeks!?? In fact, when going through my release paperwork, I laughed hysterically at the idea of not driving for two weeks and the attending nurse said that she would leave that up to my discretion. Wise of her . . .

All that being said, Adam spent the first six days of Dillon's life trying to stop me from doing any and all housework, child-care, or errands. I give him chops for being the only man in my life that I would actually listen to on that topic; but I still did more than I probably should have. So when day number 13 rolled around I was all set and rearing to go to tackle the accumulated grime, dust, etc. that I had impatiently been watching for nearly two weeks. I told Adam that I was going to clean ONE level of the house (we have four levels), just one (showing great restraint, right?). Adam responded with ONE ROOM. And I came back with NO, ONE LEVEL! And so he diplomatically suggested that we compromise and I do half of one level (that is ONE ROOM). Aw come on!!

So I did one level! But I ran out of steam before I finished it, so I guess we both won. Anyway, the next day I was all set to tackle the next level, but I didn't have the time or energy--Sabrina, Moira, and Brayden are all sick with the flu. At the end of the day, when Adam came home from work I proudly announced: "Honey, you'd be proud of me. I didn't clean a single thing today!!" He beamed and patted me on the back. Five minutes later I burst out laughing when I realized what I'd said. I think that was the first time in our marriage that such a conversation took place. And it will likely be the last. How many women can receive such an accolade from their husband after doing as little as possible all day long.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dillon Isaac Bowers

Dillon Isaac Bowers was welcomed into this world at 2:36pm on 3-1-11. He was definitely done baking in the oven. He weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs 12 oz. Wendy chose not to have an epidural. The nurses were quite impressed with how well she handled the pain of labor. At 2pm the doctor suggested she rethink the epidural choice, but she insisted that her pain was only at a 6 from 1-10. The nurse gave her a little pain medication in her IV and we were off to the races. The doctor came rushing back into the room at 2:25 and was rushing to get his robes on before the baby came out on his own. Wendy did fantastic and was ready to be done, as you can imagine.

We brought the children over to see their little brother. They were SO excited. We couldn't get a picture that showed their excitement, but this baby is all they could talk about for a week. In their prayers last night they each asked for Dillon and Mom to be OK in the hospital. Babies are the only time they have spent a night without her.

People always seem to ask so here is my answer, "I was done having children at one, but we have four now so you can tell that it is Wendy's decision as to when we are done having kids."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Brayden's first RC car

For his birthday Brayden got a remote-control car. We knew he would love it because, come on! it's a boy controlling a race car that tears through the house and crashes into stuff and chases his sisters! What's not to love? Well, everybody loved it! Including the big "boy-at-heart" Daddy who is anxiously counting down the years until he can justify buying a "real" RC car/truck/helicopter for them both to play with. This RC car was designed with little boys in mind. Built by Tonka it has soft tires and a soft body, flips over to run on both top and bottom, and has a two button remote that's easy to hold. I am especially grateful for the soft tires and body because otherwise I'd have holes in the walls of the stairwell. Brayden will frequently drive it down the stairs and keep going without a hitch (thanks to that handy flip-feature).

The other day I overheard him talking to the car, bossing it around when it wasn't going the right direction. Apparently they've named both sides of the car! The red and yellow side is named "Arnold" and the blue side is named "Stinky". What? I finally figured out that Arnold must have come from a character on the Magic School Bus series, and Stinky--well, your guess is as good as mine but I'm pretty sure a lively imagination could come up with several possibilities.

Pictures coming soon. . .