Monday, November 10, 2008

Follow-up on previous posts

Just to follow-up on some of the happenings in our family:

I took Moira back down to Primary Children's to follow-up on her thumb surgery. It was not releasing like they said it would. The doctor took a look at it and concluded that they had failed to cut enough of the tendon to release her thumb. On the good side, most of her thumb has released and when she does "pop" it up it doesn't hurt her anymore. He explained the procedure like this: With children they have to use anaesthesia for obvious reasons and as such they can't check that they cut enough so they have to use their best judgement. If they cut too much it causes the thumb to not retract, so our result is of course the more desired of the two. Our options at this point? Make her use it until it loosens up and hope she grows through it. OR Have her go back into surgery to have the last little piece cut. He advised just waiting, so I'm going to go with that option. At some point down the road if we decide it's not working then he will go back in and do the surgery. He would rather not have to do it because then his track record of re-do's will double. (He's only had one out of the thousands of thumbs he's done.)

Adam is no longer calling-free. They put in a new Elder's Quorum Pres. last week (recalled the EQ Pres. from our dissolved ward--haha) and he called Adam as an instructor. Adam is happy because he prefers teaching to responsibility. All I can say is that the Quorum should be pretty happy now since they won't have to join the High Priests for lessons anymore. *SNORE* I guess it was pretty boring (there's a reason HP's are known for sleeping).

I stopped doing babysitting/daycare, too much stress on me and the kids. Sabrina was starting to have behavior problems again. I think she's extra-sensitive to stressors in her life. When I was working full-time and had the girls in day care she started stuttering pretty badly. When I quit and we took her out of daycare the stuttering stopped completely in two days. She hasn't been stuttering this time, but she was acting out pretty severely. So I had to quit something to refocus on managing and mothering her. I am still teaching piano and working swing-shift for the Postal Service. They are not time and attention intensive the way daycare is. And Adam does a great job taking care of the kids in the evenings.

We are excited about spending Christmas in Washington this year. We will probably drive up to my parents on Christmas Eve and stay for a week or so. Long enough to celebrate Sabrina's birthday and then come home.