Friday, June 19, 2009

Brayden the Little Farmer

Since Wendy works four nights each week I get to spend time with the kids alone. This year I decided to try square foot gardening in hopes to keep the weed population under better control. While I was out tending my garden Brayden pulled one the kids chairs out into the garden and plopped himself down on it. I turned around and whipped out my cell phone to snap a quick picture. It matches a picture of my father. Maybe Brayden is growing up to be a little backyard farmer.

Air Show

Salt Lake City was chosen as one of three cities to get an Air Show this year put on by the United States Air Force. I took Sabrina and Moira to the Air Show on Saturday along with about 80,000 other people. Even though we could see the planes from our house it is a different feel when you are there on the tarmac up-close. Sabrina was most interested in seeing an airplane that could fly backwards. I was most interested in seeing the Thunderbirds perform. They were the grand finale, of course, and by then the kids were pretty tired of the airplanes. Luckily, they found some friends to play with so I could watch.

Wendy stayed at home with Brayden which was wise because he wouldn't have lasted 20 minutes. I bought the girls some souvenier jet airplanes and they were thrilled about those and played with them for the next week non-stop.