All that being said, Adam spent the first six days of Dillon's life trying to stop me from doing any and all housework, child-care, or errands. I give him chops for being the only man in my life that I would actually listen to on that topic; but I still did more than I probably should have. So when day number 13 rolled around I was all set and rearing to go to tackle the accumulated grime, dust, etc. that I had impatiently been watching for nearly two weeks. I told Adam that I was going to clean ONE level of the house (we have four levels), just one (showing great restraint, right?). Adam responded with ONE ROOM. And I came back with NO, ONE LEVEL! And so he diplomatically suggested that we compromise and I do half of one level (that is ONE ROOM). Aw come on!!
So I did one level! But I ran out of steam before I finished it, so I guess we both won. Anyway, the next day I was all set to tackle the next level, but I didn't have the time or energy--Sabrina, Moira, and Brayden are all sick with the flu. At the end of the day, when Adam came home from work I proudly announced: "Honey, you'd be proud of me. I didn't clean a single thing today!!" He beamed and patted me on the back. Five minutes later I burst out laughing when I realized what I'd said. I think that was the first time in our marriage that such a conversation took place. And it will likely be the last. How many women can receive such an accolade from their husband after doing as little as possible all day long.