Wendy made Brayden's spider costume and Moira's fairy costume. Sabrina was going to be a blue dog, but yesterday she decided she wanted to be Belle instead. They both got gobs of candy. We did the trunk-or-treat at the church again this year. They were very good about saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you." We were most happy about that. Wendy spent so much time working on the kids that she was not able to get into a costume. I wore my graduation cap and gown complete with my ropes and honors medal.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween 2008
Wendy made Brayden's spider costume and Moira's fairy costume. Sabrina was going to be a blue dog, but yesterday she decided she wanted to be Belle instead. They both got gobs of candy. We did the trunk-or-treat at the church again this year. They were very good about saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you." We were most happy about that. Wendy spent so much time working on the kids that she was not able to get into a costume. I wore my graduation cap and gown complete with my ropes and honors medal.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Everybody does it...at least once
In the couple minutes they were left alone, Moira decided she wanted to try her hand at hair styling. She grabbed a couple fist-fulls of hair and snip-snip gave herself a haircut at the kitchen table. She cut off about 6 inches on both sides of her head. I tried to muster up some kind of repremand, but it didn't look too bad to me. Wendy, on the other hand, did not think it was that good. I will let you be the judge.
See, you can hardly tell. Of course, if you look at her shoulder you can see the abrupt length change to her back. We were truly fortunate that she only cut the sides and not the oh-so-typical bangs. Wendy demanded that I call up our hair stylist and get an appointment ASAP. The gal we normally go to was not working on Saturday so I made an appointment for Monday night. That simply would not do for Wendy so I called and rescheduled for that day with anybody that was available.
Not too bad for a patch-job. You know what they say. The difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut is about two weeks. Annalyn felt so bad that this happened on her watch, but all I could do was laugh. I mean, we are talking about a 3-year-old. After all, who hasn't tried to give themselves a little trim when they were that age. I know I did - the night before school pictures.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Back to da grind, mon!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Music, again
When I was set apart the bishop made some comment about wishing he was musically talented. I kind of got on his case, and the rest of the bishopric too, and said that I hadn't met someone yet who didn't have the capacity to be musically gifted if they chose to apply themselves. The Lord has given us all the ability to do many things and if we, through our agency, choose not to develop those abilities into talents than we miss out on the blessings and also reap the consequences for our weak stewardship.
Sorry to get on my soapbox but I actually gave a talk about this in Sacrament meeting about four months ago. It is a correct principle. I feel very blessed to have had a mother and father who both loved music and played the piano, imbuing me with a love for the instrument. And I'm grateful that my mom continued to sign me up for teacher after teacher as I pushed my way through more and more difficult pieces until I have reached the point where I can serve in the church and not have it be a struggle for me. But I resent church members, and leaders especially, who appear to take it for granted that some people have "got it" (musical ability), and that if they just pray hard enough those people will appear in their ward and the problem is solved. What I have "got" is 25 years of blood (paper cuts), sweat, and tears (fighting about practicing) under my belt until I'm able to perform music with such apparent ease that a bishop has no qualms about calling me to three music callings at a time. Whatever happened to asking people to rise to the call and magnify their talents through the application of prayer, fasting, and hard work? I told the counselor who called me that I had no problem accepting the primary calling as long as they understood that I couldn't play the organ in Sacrament meeting too. I'm still a nursing mother and I need to feed Brayden during the block (11-2 pm). When I went to get set apart, the ward organist was standing outside the bishop's office and made some allusions to the fact that I would be playing the organ for him when he was not available. Adam was quick to remind him that it couldn't happen until my baby was weaned. Thank you Adam! But that didn't stop the bishopric from bringing up my service as a choir director and reminding me of the fact that they don't have a ward choir because they lacked one. I told them that when they found a choir director I would be happy to join the choir!
Now that I've vented I need to go repent of my pride and resentful feelings. But I won't be answering my phone until next year!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Winter is here. BLAH!!!!
By the way, just on the off chance that one of you achieve this first, don't forget that I would've invited you! So, return the favor! (Kind of)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Ward
So far I am calling-free, as is Adam. But we don't think that will last long. I'm sure they'll come up with something. Though I'm holding out for sacrament meeting greeter! Everybody seems really nice and it's reassuring that people are pretty much the same the world over. We all are trying to do the best we can with what we have. Testimonies sound pretty much the same in the new Springbrook Ward as they did in the old Country Lane Ward.
To prepare the kids for meeting new friends in their classes, we had them practice introducing themselves to others. "Hi, I'm Mo-wa. What's yor name?" etc, etc. After church Adam asked Sabrina to name one new friend she met at church. Her response? "My teacher, but I can't me-member her name." Technically, that was a correct response, but not what we expected.
One thing I'm looking forward to in my new ward? Not having to negotiate Brayden's lunch hunger-pangs around playing the organ in sacrament meeting. The stake music chair happens to be the ward organist! And he's thumping good too!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Moira's Surgery
One of the waiting rooms at Primary Children's. There are murals EVERYWHERE. Even the ceiling tiles are painted so children on gurneys have something to look at.
Moira had her surgery yesterday and it went better than expected. We had plenty of time to get where we needed to be and lots of toys in the various waiting rooms. Brayden even found toys to play with that kept him busy. Moira knew she was there for surgery and informed everyone that her finger needed to be fixed. The nurses were sure to educate Moira on what was happening next so she would be comfortable.