Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Ward

Last Sunday was the first time we met as a newly rearranged ward. I've got to back up a little bit. About three weeks ago our stake leaders held a meeting in which they reorganized our stake. They dissolved two of the nine wards and rearranged the remaining wards so that everybody experienced changes. Our ward happened to be chopped into four pieces with each piece going into a neighboring ward. Our bishopric was dissolved and we all got released from our callings with one fell swoop. It was a bit of a shock, but we knew it was needed. As long as we've been in this ward/stake we have noticed that there aren't enough active members to fulfill all the responsibilities of a full ward. I have had as many as three callings at one time. So I really appreciated the inspiration that prompted the change. Of course it is hard not having the convenience of seeing all my friends every Sunday, but I'm not using it as an excuse to never contact them again! The ward we combined with consists of mostly well-established families with older or high school age children. Whereas our neighborhood is mostly young families, so it will create a healthier blend.

So far I am calling-free, as is Adam. But we don't think that will last long. I'm sure they'll come up with something. Though I'm holding out for sacrament meeting greeter! Everybody seems really nice and it's reassuring that people are pretty much the same the world over. We all are trying to do the best we can with what we have. Testimonies sound pretty much the same in the new Springbrook Ward as they did in the old Country Lane Ward.

To prepare the kids for meeting new friends in their classes, we had them practice introducing themselves to others. "Hi, I'm Mo-wa. What's yor name?" etc, etc. After church Adam asked Sabrina to name one new friend she met at church. Her response? "My teacher, but I can't me-member her name." Technically, that was a correct response, but not what we expected.

One thing I'm looking forward to in my new ward? Not having to negotiate Brayden's lunch hunger-pangs around playing the organ in sacrament meeting. The stake music chair happens to be the ward organist! And he's thumping good too!!

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